A specific data generating process

In this simulation, we will generate the observed data O in the following way.

  1. Draw \(W1\) from a Bernoulli(\(p = 0.20\))

  2. Given \(W1\), draw \(W2\) from a \(Bernoulli(p = expit(0.5 * W1))\)

  3. Given \(W1\), \(W2\) draw \(A\) from a \(Bernoulli(p = expit[W1 * W2])\)

  4. Given \(W1\), \(W2\), \(A\) draw \(C\) from a \(Bernoulli(p = expit[-A + 0.3 * W1 - W2])\)

  5. Given \(W1\), \(W2\), \(A\), \(C\), draw \(Y\) from a \(Normal(\mu = (4.4 * A + 0.7 * W1 - 2 *A * W2 - 2 * A * C), \sigma = 0.3^2)\) The random errors are independent.

1. Use Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the true value of the following parameter of the observed data distribution :

\[ \phi = E_{0,W1,W2,C} [ \mathrm{E}(Y|A=1, W1, W2, C) - \mathrm{E}(Y|A=0, W1, W2, C)] \]

n <- 5000
R <- 10000 # 10K simulations
phi <- rep(NA, R)

for (r in 1:R) {
  W1 <- rbinom(n, 1, prob=0.20)
  W2 <- rbinom(n, 1, prob=plogis(0.5*W1))
  A <- rbinom(n, 1,  prob=plogis(W1*W2))
  C <- rbinom(n, 1, prob=plogis(-A+0.3*W1-W2))
  Y <- rnorm(n=n, mean = 4.4*A + 0.7*W1 - 2*A*W2 - 2*A*C, sd = 0.3)
  Y_1 <- 4.4 * 1 + 0.7 * W1 - 2 * 1 * W2 - 2 * 1 * C
  Y_0 <- 4.4 * 0 + 0.7 * W1 - 2 * 0 * W2 - 2 * 0 * C
  phi[r] <- mean(Y_1 - Y_0)

## [1] 2.769436

Based on 10000 Monte Carlo simulations, the true value of the following parameter of the observed data distribution, was 2.769. \(\phi = E_{0,W1,W2,C} [ \mathrm{E}(Y|A=1, W1, W2, C) - \mathrm{E}(Y|A=0, W1, W2, C)] =\) 2.769.

2. Use Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the true value of the average treatment effect:

\[ \theta^{*} = \mathrm{E}^*(Y_1)- \mathrm{E}^*(Y_0) \]

estimates <- rep(NA, R)

for (r in 1:R) {
  W1 <- rbinom(n, 1, prob=0.20)
  W2 <- rbinom(n, 1, prob=plogis(0.5*W1))
  A <- rbinom(n, 1,  prob=plogis(W1*W2))
  C <- rbinom(n, 1, prob=plogis(-A+0.3*W1-W2))
  Y <- rnorm(n=n, mean = 4.4*A + 0.7*W1 - 2*A*W2 - 2*A*C, sd = 0.3)
  Obs <- data.frame(W1, W2, A, C, Y)
  txt <- control <- Obs
  txt$A <- 1
  control$A <- 0
  reg1 <- glm(Y ~ A + W1 + W2 + C, data=Obs)
  # reg1
  pred1.txt <- predict(reg1, newdata = txt)
  pred1.ctrl <- predict(reg1, newdata = control)
  theta_star <- mean(pred1.txt-pred1.ctrl)
  estimates[r] <- theta_star

## [1] 2.794629

Based on 10000 Monte Carlo simulations, the true value of the average treatment effect, was 2.795. \(\theta^{*}(P^{*}) = 2.795\) is the difference in the counterfactual expected weight gain if all children were given RUTF and the counterfactual expected weight gain if all children were given the standard supplement.

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